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Five Ways

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AGC Logo

Five Ways The AGC Logo Can Help You

You are encouraged to use the logo anywhere you choose. So, what are five ways the AGC logo can help you:

Skill, Integrity & Responsibility—Since its founding in 1918, the first purpose of the AGC has been to make membership in the Association a reasonable assurance to the public of the skill, integrity and responsibility of its members.

Identification With Reliability—Experience has demonstrated that the AGC logo is recognized as identifying the responsible contractor and national associate member.

Reliable Documents Reflect Forward-Looking Attitude—Every document published by the AGC reflecting credit upon the industry and its members clearly displays the emblem and more firmly establishes AGC members as forward-looking men and women.

The Contractor Behind the AGC Logo Is Reliable—The AGC public relations program is directed toward demonstrating to the public and those who influence the award of construction contracts that the AGC logo identifies contractors of reliability and dependability and is an assurance of skillful performance.

Identification With Improvement of Industry Service—The AGC logo identifies those contractors and associates who are working toward the improvement of conditions in their industry and toward a better construction service, which benefits the public.

Thank you to East Coast Florida AGC for compiling list.