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Great Reasons to Join

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Great Reasons to Join

Membership gives you the competitive advantage

  • Connect with owners, contractors, suppliers, lawmakers, and key influencers in the industry.
  • Use the latest innovative market development tools to work for your business. Know the latest industry trends and forecasts. AGC is your resource for answers, information, and training.
  • Access innovative training and education programs to build your business, improve your bottom line and recruit, grow, and retrain your work force.

AGC is constantly serving you, representing you and protecting your business every day.

  • Serving as your advocate, ensuring that laws and regulations enhance – not limit - your business operations.
  • Promoting quality projects and quality people, raising industry standards, and developing a skilled work force.

Why Contractors Join AGC

  • Advocacy – AGC has strong ties with key decision-makers at the local, state and federal level and at state and federal agencies to advocate issues directly impacting contractors.
  • Networking – AGC brings contractors, suppliers, and leaders together to discuss the latest issues and trends and produce real solutions for contractors.
  • Resources – AGC provides you with the latest comprehensive industry information.
  • Education and Training – AGC provides services to enhance your knowledge and the skills of your workforce.

Why Suppliers and Service Providers Join AGC
AGC represents the interests of all construction contractors, and the vast range of products and services that it offers are as valuable to service and supply members as they are to general contractors. AGC provides service and supply members with networking opportunities and with a voice in the association and construction industry. AGC members benefit from the involvement of these issue experts in developing policies and improving industry practices.

AGC membership includes membership in the Associated General Contractors of America as well.

When it comes to your company’s bottom-line, your membership in AGC pays dividends.