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Member Meeting: Registered Apprenticeships

Thursday, February 22, 2024
2:00 pm3:00 pm
The Cornhusker Marriott--Garrat Room, 333 South 13th Street, Lincoln

LB 993, the Apprenticeship Grant Act, introduced by Senator Ibach, in the Nebraska Legislature, would assist individuals who are underemployed and receive economic assistance to become fully employed and self-sufficient by providing grants to qualified businesses who are partnered with a registered apprenticeship program and who provides on-the-job training and classroom instruction to the employee(s) enrolled in the program.

Apprenticeship programs combine paid on-the-job training with classroom instruction to prepare workers for highly skilled careers.

Presenter: Elliott Cain, Program Coordinator for Registered Apprenticeships with the Nebraska Dept of Labor.

Who should attend: Owners, Human Resources, Managers, Trainers, and Recruiters

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Click here for PDF registration form.