GC & SC Roundtable
QPR Training: Question, Persuade, Refer
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Round the Bend Steakhouse Conference Center
30801 E Park Hwy, Ashland
3:00 - 5:00pm
Click here for PDF flyer

ABOUT THE PROGRAM: QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — three simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. The goal is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing innovative and proven suicide prevention training.
A gatekeeper is someone that has completed this training and knows how to recognize the warning signs of a crisis or someone contemplating suicide. Anyone can become a QPR-certified gatekeeper.
Once you’re certified, you’ll know how to:
- Recognize the warning signs of suicide
- Question, persuade, and refer someone for help
- Use local and national resources to offer hope through positive action
PRESENTER: Kayla Lathrop, BSW
Kayla Lathrop is part of the Regional Prevention Coordination Team at Region V Systems in Lincoln, Nebraska. Prevention efforts include prevention of underage drinking, substance abuse, and suicide, as well as mental health promotion. With a background in Social Work, Kayla also has experience working with youth and adults with mental health and substance use disorders. Kayla is a QPR trainer and WRAP facilitator. She has a passion for helping others and promoting awareness around mental health related topics with the hope of decreasing stigma.
Register by Monday afternoon, March 20th.
Complete the form below--some boxes are required--when you are finished click the Register box. You will receive a confirmation email. If you make a mistake click the Reset button and start over. If you have questions, contact the Nebraska Building Chapter office: vicki@agcnebuilders.com or 402-438-0400.